An amount of 7667 quintals of mustard seeds were certified by ASSCA during 2016-17.
Buy-back of seeds produced by the registered Seed Growers through authorised seed dealers
Started new “Seed Directory”.
New Dimension on Summer Seed Production with variety “Naveen”.
For the first time, ASSCA undertook summer paddy seed production during 2016-17 with variety “Naveen” grown during kharif as winter paddy. The Naveen variety can be grown both as kharif and summer paddy. The farmers generally grow seeds from kharif to kharif and summer to summer paddy as they do not have creditability on the variety used during Kharif could be used as summer paddy.
Through motivational efforts of ASSCA, adoption of germination technology and active involvement of Assam State Co-operative Federation, Duarbogori, Nagaon, the implementation covering 120 hectares in village kuthuri, Solobori and Rajabari of Nagaon district shown significant result of 7000 kg/hectare i.e. 23 mond/bigha and expected to produce 6500 quintals which could be made available in time during cultivation of summer paddy. It is proved that ‘Naveen’ variety could be used both in Kharif (Winter paddy) and Rabi (Summer paddy) season.