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Government Of Assam Department of Agriculture & Horticulture Assam Seed & Organic Certification Agency (ASOCA)

Seed Testing & Analysis

Seed Testing & Analysis

Seed Sampling: It is the most important process in seed health test. If sample is accurate, it gives better result and as such rules have been framed for accuracy.

  • Maximum size of seed lot may be 20,000 kg.
  • The lot should be homogeneous.
  • Each of the sample is called primary sample and it should be taken from top, middle and bottom of the seed lot. When primary sample are mixed thoroughly it is called composite sample. From the reduced composite sample known quantity of seed is taken and it is called submitted sample. Submitted sample should be specific for each crop as shown below:

Size of Sample to be submitted:

Name of the cropSample Crop
Cereals (Wheat, Maize, Pulses, etc.)1000 gms
Paddy400 gms
Jute100 gms
Cucumber150 gms
Crucefera100 gms

Seed Analysis:

Soon after completion of seed processing/manual cleaning and grading or after seed treatment as the case may be, Assam State Seed Certification Agency shall draw a representative composite sample as per procedure specified in seed testing manual. The quantity of seed samples so drawn shall be sufficient to provide three samples of the size of submitted sample (Annexure-XIII). The composite sample will be divided into three equal parts, one shall be sent for analysis to the Zonal Seed Testing Laboratory, the second part to the Seed Producer and third part may be kept by the ASCO as guard sample.

Seed Analysis Report:

The Seed Testing Laboratory shall analyse the seed in accordance with the prescribed procedure and deliver the Seed Analysis Report to the Certification Agency as early as possible may be, but not later than 30 days from the date of receipt of samples unless the seed is subjected to such tests which require more than thirty days for completion of test. Format at Annexure-XIV.

Seed Standard of Genetic purity:

All certified seed lots shall conform to the following minimum standards for genetic purity unless otherwise prescribed.

ClassStandards for minimum genetic purity
Varieties, Composit, Synthetics.98%


Re-cleaning, Re-sampling and Re-testing:

When a seed lot does not meet the prescribed seed standards, the ASSCA on the request of seed producer may permit re-cleaning, re-sampling, re-testing for once only.

Seed Standard for Insect Damage:

A Seed lot under certification shall not have apparent or visible evidence of damage by insects for foundation and certified seed classes in excess of 1.0% for the seeds, maize and legumes and 0.5% for the seeds other than maize and legumes unless otherwise prescribed.

Seed Moisture:

Seed standard in respect of seed moisture shall be met at the time of packing of seed.